What exactly is ShopGastonCounty.com?

By shopping local, you are directly helping local businesses, stay in business. When you support local businesses, you are helping them grow, which ultimately will drive the need for hiring new employees; our friends, family and neighbors.

Because of this, our goal is to become the most comprehensive, business directory in/for Gaston County. Our goal is to become the “go to” resource when looking for goods and services in Gaston county.

What is the monthly drawing bag?

It’s a ShopGastonCounty.com reusable shopping bag packed with coupons and freebies contributed by local businesses that want your business.

How can my business participate by adding items to the monthly drawing?

Simple, reach out to one of our community team members, send a message on our Contact Us page or connect with us on Facebook.

Does my business have to be in Gaston County to be on ShopGastonCounty.com?

For the free business listings, yes. Your business must be located in Gaston County.
For the mini business pages and to be a part of the monthly drawings, no. Your business does not have to be in Gaston County. Most businesses have customers from neighboring counties.

How much does it cost to put my business on the site?

It’s literally FREE to put your business name, address and phone and category.
However, we do offer the service of Mini Business Pages for those looking to broaden their customer base and/or internet presence. The Mini Business Page includes everything a consumer would need to know about your business, including contact info, photos, social connections and more. You can see the many features on our Plans and Pricing page.

How does ShopGastonCounty.com attract users? Why should I pay to include my business?

I will respond with “Why DOES ShopGastonCounty.com pay to bring YOU more customers?” Not only because I truly care, but because that is what communities do best, they pull together and support each other. Our country would not exist without the life of small businesses and the support of their communities behind them.
ShopGastonCounty.com, like ShopClevelandCounty.com, was built to promote community support in one online setting. We promote your business by using social media, PAID social media ads, community events, paid community events, organized meetings, monthly drawings and the always dependable, word-of-mouth.

How do I subscribe to the ShopGastonCounty.com newsletter?

Submit your email address in the subscribe box here:

What is the Military Hero Page?

The Military Hero Page was created to acknowledge the men and women, past and present, who served and continue to serve our country. Submit your hero to hero@shopgastoncounty.com or use our Contact Us page. Photos can be emailed or sent by text. Include Name, Years Served, Title (if known) and the home county of your hero.

How do I submit an event for the Calendars?

Submit info to events@shopgastoncounty.com or use our Contact Us page. Send in as much info as possible, Event Title, Dates, Times, Location, etc.


Why do you have a Classified section on ShopGastonCounty.com?

The Classifieds section was added so that while you may not find a business that sells what you are looking for, a neighbor might just have what you need or want.

Why are Classified ads $1?

We detest spammers as much as you do. If they were free, the site would be full of them! Plus, there are those pesky costs involved with operating a website of this nature. To offset the $1 charge, we give you a full 30 days of run time, per ad, multiple photos, lengthy descriptions and defined categories to list in. The $1 ALSO includes wedding announcements, birthdays and more, not just the typical classified sections.

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